FIRST AIDS in case of a Laceration


2. FIRST AIDS in case of a Laceration.

2.1. Steps to follow.

2.2. Tourniquet.



This one goes for all the SOS SKI PATROLS, DOCTORS, and MEDICAL SERVICES Worldwide, which are the first ones to attend injured ski racers on slopes during ski training and ski racing.

The use of 3 FIS ⭐️⭐️⭐️ certified in CRG (cut resistance grade) does not prevent ski racers from facing other types of ski injuries, different from lacerations, during the ski competition that need to be attended urgently on the ski slopes.

This urgent attention might need to remove the DISTON cut resistant pants, and there is NO NEED FOR SPECIAL TOOLING to do it.

1. Punch the DISTON cut resistance pants above the wounded area to make one hole. Lift the garment so as not to injure the skier in the process.
2. Insert the scissors through the hole and cut the garment ALWAYS in a VERTICAL direction UP or DOWN as long as needed.

Standard medical scissors in any first aid kit will do. This easy maneuver will allow the ski patrol doctors to access the wounded area despite wearing the best cut-resistant pants in the world.

2. FIRST AIDS in case of a Laceration.

2.1. Steps to follow.

If you witness a laceration accident in front of you during a skiing race, it's essential to act quickly and calmly to assist the injured ski racer.

Here are the steps you can follow to help:

  1. Assess the situation: Take a moment to assess the severity of the injury and any immediate dangers in the surroundings. Ensure your safety before approaching the injured person.
  2. Call for help: If race officials or medical personnel are nearby, alert them immediately. If not, call emergency services or ask someone else to do so. Please provide them with the exact location and details of the injury.
  3. Protect yourself and the injured person: If you can access gloves or any other protective gear, put them on to avoid direct contact with the blood or bodily fluids. Ask someone to bring a first aid kit or any available medical supplies.
  4. Control bleeding: Look for any active bleeding, and with the help of a clean cloth, apply direct pressure on the wound of your gloved hand. Maintain pressure until medical professionals arrive. If the bleeding is severe, you can elevate the injured area (if it doesn't cause additional pain or discomfort) to help reduce blood flow.
  5. Reassure and comfort the injured person: Stay with the wounded ski racer and provide reassurance. Keep them calm and encourage them to avoid unnecessary movements to prevent further injury.
  6. Provide basic first aid: If you can access sterile gauze or bandages, use them to cover the wound. Avoid applying excessive pressure or attempting to clean the wound extensively, as this can worsen the injury.
  7. Keep the injured person warm: Cover them with a blanket or spare clothing to maintain body heat and prevent hypothermia.
  8. Wait for medical professionals: Do not attempt to move the injured person unless there is an immediate danger. Allow trained medical professionals to assess the situation and determine the best action.


2.2. Tourniquet.

If a ski laceration causes significant bleeding, a tourniquet may be necessary to control the bleeding effectively. Applying direct pressure on the injured area alone may not be sufficient in some cases. 


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a tourniquet:

  1. Assess the situation: Determine if the bleeding is severe and cannot be controlled by direct pressure. If the bleeding is minimal and can be managed by applying pressure, a tourniquet may not be necessary.
  2. Gather materials: Find a strong, wide fabric or material for the tourniquet. A ski strap, belt, or even a torn piece of clothing can be used.
  3. Positioning: Place the injured limb comfortably for the wounded person and make it easily accessible for applying the tourniquet. If possible, elevate the limb to help reduce bleeding.
  4. Prepare the tourniquet: Fold the fabric or material to create a 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) wide band. It should be long enough to wrap around the limb at least twice.
  5. Apply the tourniquet: Wrap the tourniquet around the limb, about 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) above the wound site. Ensure the tourniquet is applied tightly but not so tight that it cuts off all circulation. You should be able to fit two fingers under the tourniquet.
  6. Secure the tourniquet: Tie a knot, or use a buckle or clip, to secure the tourniquet. Ensure it is tight enough to maintain pressure on the injured area and control bleeding.
  7. Note the time: If possible, note when the tourniquet was applied. This information can be crucial for medical professionals.
  8. Seek medical help: After applying the tourniquet, immediately seek medical assistance. A tourniquet should not be left on for an extended period as it can cause damage to the limb. Medical professionals can provide the necessary treatment and safely remove the tourniquet.

Remember, applying a tourniquet is a measure of last resort to control severe bleeding. It should only be used when direct pressure alone is insufficient and immediate medical help is unavailable.

These guidelines are general and may vary based on the specific circumstances and resources available. It is always advisable to have basic first-aid training and stay updated with the latest safety protocols.

DISTON anticut pants shield protection safety